Saturday, October 30, 2010


Back in the arena. I am back for more discussion! Things happened recently; the announcement of Budget 2011 and final part of Economic Transformation Program (ETP).

First and foremost. The Budget 2011. Many surprised, many perplexed, the moment as the government speaks its intention to build 100 storey Warisan Merdeka worth RM5 billion, I am pretty sure that majority of us does not want another pride symbol standing in the middle of Kuala Lumpur. High income nation and highest building in the world? Any economic theory for that? Oh, Malaysia economic scales believe the bigger project you working on, the bigger profits you will get, right? Wrong, the bigger project you working on, the bigger losses you will get. Who bear the losses? We are, thank you very much for saving big corporation a.k.a cronies.

Japan's economy remains in lost decade despite huge inflows in its infrastructure projects. Hey, look east policy, remember? Is it viable for a longer term?

I do not know much what is the projection of the big ticket item especially Warisan Merdeka in terms of employment and return of revenues?

The government planning seems convincing. It is too details, consistent, and politically positive. How about the implementation later? Can the government enticing or buy in private sectors to join the forces growing our economy? Is this merely a public relations exercise to obtain votes?

Or shall I claim selected private sector link government chosen before public knowledge? Putrajaya remains know best, know better. How the government could neglects the very basic institutional process which deliberates on transparency and accountability. Selecting most qualified contractors ensuring responsibility of them. Do not return to the government for bails out! You fail you on your own.

Young peoples applaud over government backed housing buying. The inception of Malaysia version sub prime crises. Surveys show housing loans in many major banks are ballooning! Oh, free 1Malaysia notebooks! I get one. Can I sell it to Lowyat?

Mega project including five regional corridors gaining its big prize for millions after so called 'work in progress' What is the current progress of these corridors? Hey, I want to know! Where is the efforts to strengthen our local small businesses?

Secondly, the Auditor General's report. Errors and non compliance of original cost, original planning, overspending and more spending are common findings in many years of the report. Some bought a set of pillow and bed for thousand of RM beyond market price. Some build public facilities and completed behind the schedule. Months later, the facilities are under utilized and showing defects. Some contractors given the responsibility to deliver foods and drinks to school children, but fails to do so. Some overpaid and leakages in spending. In other words, the more government interferes in determining the way of people's life, the more inefficiencies would be occurred in present and future. More and more losses recorded! I suggest the struggle to limit our government must begin now. Tea Party Movement likely?

Third, Economic Transformation Program. I will tell you right after the reading!

Fourth, yesterday is Friday. I had the opportunity to listen a lecture by Dr Kittin from Thailand. He is the expert in political economy in Asia region. He spoke on the nature of Thailand- Malaysia Automotive Industry. Amazing liberalization! Far better than our local auto industries! Create an advantage for Thai to become global player in auto industry. That is why; I always call for more adoption to liberalize our Malaysia's economy. All of us will get the benefit. Why we should protect our local industry for national interest if proven unviable and not competitive? Afraid of competition? How long these industries will be driven by the government?

Proton? Perodua? Liberalize the industry gives buyers more choices. Cheaper too. Anyway, I was very impressed with the presentation of Dr Kittin. Thanks to his wonderful lecture

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Go Zaid: I Say What I Think

Saya telah pun mendapat pencalonan dari Cabang-cabang Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) untuk jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden. Saya akan membuat pengumuman untuk menerima tawaran ini tidak lama lagi. Jika dipilih, berikut adalah antara cadangan yang akan saya laksanakan jika perubahan ini mendapat persetujuan pemimpin parti yang lain:

1. Mengambil inisiatif untuk mempelawa ramai lagi menyertai parti dan merangka perjuangan parti supaya lebih semangat dan dinamik, dan bukan berkisar kepada isu lama. Keadilan memerlukan lebih banyak keahlian dari yang ada sekarang dan aktiviti kemasukkan ahli-ahli baru mesti digiatkan. Kita perlu mempelawa sesiapa saja yang berkebolehan dan ingin memberi sumbangan, tanpa mengira baru atau lama, atau yang sudah ‘ditarbiah’ atau pun belum. Meritokrasi dalam parti kita sama pentingnya dengan laungan meritokrasi dalam manifesto pilihanraya. Parti ini perlu lebih inklusif dari apa yang ada sekarang. Beberapa bekas ahli-ahli dan mereka yang berdiam diri ataupun kurang minat kepada parti (antara yang saya anggap ‘reformis sebenar‘) perlu dijemput kembali. Mereka yang berkebolehan mesti diberi peluang memikul tanggungjawab dan peranan yang lebih besar.

2. Kegiatan akar umbi menjadi ukuran penting kejayaan sesebuah parti politik. Cabang-cabang parti perlu diberi tenaga dan dokongan kewangan yang berterusan. Hari ini banyak Cabang “hidup segan mati tak mau” disebabkan faktor kekurangan sokongan kewangan. Saya mampu menghidupkan kembali kekuatan Cabang ini, termasuk mencari jalan mengisi tabung Cabang supaya kita mempunyai jentera yang kuat dan bersemangat. Dengan itu, Cabang dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan berkesan terhadap rakyat dan ahli-ahli parti yang lain di cabang masing-masing. Saya telah mengenalpasti punca utama kelemahan cabang-cabang disebabkan oleh kekurangan dana untuk menggerakkan kegiatan parti disemua peringkat walaupun pemimpin-pemimpinnya bersemangat tinggi.

3. Kekuatan Keadilan sangat kritikal bagi penyatuan dan keutuhan Pakatan Rakyat.. Hakikatnya, Keadilan perlu menguasai lebih kerusi di Parlimen supaya melayakkan kita menjadi tunggak kepada Pakatan Rakyat selain bertindak sebagai Ketua Pembangkang yang berkesan. Parti perlu mempunyai kekuatan tersendiri; kita juga perlu mempunyai hubungan akrab dengan parti-parti lain dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Saya mampu memainkan peranan ini dengan lebih berkesan supaya kekuatan parti terjamin. Kerajaan negeri yang dipimpin oleh rakan-rakan seperjuangan dalam Pakatan Rakyat juga akan diberi peranan besar supaya usaha menguasai pelbagai lapisan rakyat bagi memastikan kemenangan besar dalam pilihanraya akan datang dapat digerakkan bersama secara bersepadu.

4. Keadilan adalah parti berbilang kaum dan agama. Keunikan ini juga merupakan suatu kekuatan kita. Kejayaan kita menyatupadukan ahli-ahli dari kepelbagaian kaum, agama dan budaya ini adalah pengukur kejayaan usaha penyatuan kaum di negara ini. Sedangkan usaha penyatuan kaum ini ternyata gagal dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah sekarang walaupun telah lebih 53 tahun merdeka. Kita mempunyai ruang dan peluang yang terbuka luas untuk membuktikan bahawa impian kita untuk menyatukan kaum-kaum akan menjadi kenyataan oleh lebih 28 juta rakyat di negara ini. Ruang ini perlu diisi, peluang ini perlu direbut. Masanya telah tiba untuk melenyapkan prajudis dan syak wasangka antara kumpulan, kaum dan agama ini dari terus menguasai minda rakyat. Dasar pecah dan perintah sebagaimana di amalkan oleh pemerintah sekarang bukanlah cara berpolitik yang sihat dan progresif. Justeru, sebagai sebuah parti politik masa depan, Keadilan perlu menghidangkan wadah perjuangan politik yang lebih terbuka dan demokratik yang melepasi sempadan kaum, agama dan budaya dalam konteks perlembagaan yang sedia ada supaya semua kepelbagaian ini dapat dimanfaat oleh seluruh rakyat di negara ini. 5. Seseorang pemimpin tidak akan berkesan kalau ia mempunyai masalah yang banyak (sama ada berbentuk politik atau peribadi). Masanya akan lebih banyak tertumpu untuk penyelesaian perkara-perkara ini dari melunaskan masalah yang membabitkan parti dan rakyat. Saya berkeyakinan saya mempunyai kemampuan untuk memberi tumpuan secukupnya kepada hal ehwal parti.

Memanglah, saya tahu ramai pemimpin kanan dalam parti yang menolak gagasan dan wawasan saya ini dengan berbagai-bagai alasan. Itu sebenarnya tidak penting bagi saya tetapi saya menyedari rakyat dan ahli-ahli parti telah cukup matang untuk melihat dan menilai setiap pemimpin yang ada. Maka terpulanglah kepada ahli-ahli menilai gagasan yang saya bawa ini.

Pemilihan 2010 adalah mercu tanda dalam sejarah negara dan untuk Keadilan. Dan jika ahli-ahli parti bersehaluan dengan cadangan-cadangan yang telah saya ajukan di atas, saya yakin yang perubahan dalam parti PKR mampu menjadi batu loncatan untuk mengubah Kerajaan kita.

Thanks to

Hey Najib, Where Are We Going?

Economic Transformation Program is another project of endless Najib’s commitment for Malaysia. Remember this; since he took the helm of Putrajaya almost a year ago, well, I have heard many of unusual acronyms such as APCO, GTP, NEM, NKEA, NKRA and recently ETP. Najib is the only Prime Minister of Malaysia who creates more and more acronyms within a very short period of times in his administration. It is all begin with the concept 1Malaysia, remember? Mr Barry Wain is absolutely right about him! He is the system. He trusts the system.

Series of acronym again, does not even reflect the true will of UMNO BN to transform the nation accordingly. Whereas, some portion of our segments remains critically ignore particularly in politics and strata of society enhancement.

Basically, I have my own objectives to share with you. ETP is none without proper execution and with totalitarians style of execution. ETP is apparently the evidence of mimic of planning and mobilizing the entire stakeholders in the country to achieve high income nation status. Surprisingly, the plan, oh! It is a program as Idris Jala said will generates wealth, ideally, Malaysians might having their high purchase power by the year 2020, if nothing obstruct our way. It means we have more money to spend and save. Really? Is that so?

It is the first time the government boldly appealing private sector to take leads the program. Billions and trillions of ringgit involved in 10 years program while of course the government is trying its best exceeding human strength looks after 12 Key Economic Area. Planning demand command from utopian leadership as the end will be pursued rapidly though collectivist mechanism. I still remember when our research unit went to ETP Open Day, the largest of open day I had ever saw, Idris Jala blatantly said if the program fail, government is not the one who should to be blame, blame private sector. At the forum, I found good response from Air Asia tycoon, Tony Fernandez, “government, please stay out of my market” while few recommendations to adjust the operation of GLC into GIC and etc. What about Virgin Airlines tycoon? “Your former Deputy Prime Minister (Anwar) cases has cause so much trouble in attracting foreign investors”

Politicians of both sides says yes to the program although there are some ‘buts’, civilians echoes “we are really aspires by Prime Minister to boost our income”

If you oppose the program, you will be label as “not supportive or you have no other choice left otherwise Malaysia continuingly lagging behind”. I am not opposing the idea of bringing Malaysia to a greater higher. Why there is requirement to so called huge transformation; where the government insinuating the roadmap to private sectors and market? Who knows best here? You are sending the wrong signal to market, Najib. The past mistakes were the government massively controls the limited resources, wages, protecting GLC’s, price control and setting up all sorts of institution, high subsidies, and appalling records in human rights. Wow, prevalence of the issues reminds me of one Hayek’s serfdom in many chapter of chaotic manner of winning government intrusions.

Very funny when socialist minded assuming ETP as nothing as project to enriching cronyism and put the all the blames to capitalism. False, it is not capitalism breeds cronyism. Bigger size of government tends to meddling with affairs which supposed not to be their core business. How possibly limited size could or might endangering themselves with this serious principles of conservative government? Scholars point out socialism has tendency approaching the practice of cronyism. Profligacy occurs frequently in government projects. This morning, I read Audit prompts Khazanah to reshuffle Iskandar unit. Guess what?

New Economic Model is the best document ever documented and supposed to be implemented now. Do not talk that document is simply a proposal! For me, it is just political excuses which I lament. Perkasa hates it a lot. Malay rights seems formidable to any attempt liberalizing our nation. I hail the effort of the council as this is the only way of “Look, we got to do something about this. We are losing our edge from arrest of the world. Our FDI is further slow and dropping recently. Previous formula to spur growth is no longer applicable”

Pakatan Rakyat tried but never succeeds to wake UMNO BN’s up. It is time to liberalize our market. Free and encourage more competitions which benefits consumers. Raise faiths and market confidence by shrinking the size of public sector, more decentralization, cut more subsidies consistently, abiding the principle of rule of law and freeing individual from soft despotism.