Last Tuesday, I had attended the commemoration birthday of Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra and Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)’s first anniversary at Memorial Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Kuala Lumpur. I would like also to congratulate IDEAS for making this ceremony remarkably successful. Well done! It was a commendable effort too. When two party system taking, so called ‘bipartisanship’ in devoting bigger role of government, bigger fiscal policies, bigger intervention into private individual and worst, dictating our economy, it’s timely for libertarian to begin the eradication of both ideals with the hindsight of Tunku Abdul Rahman. Such event was only the beginning of truly change. More and more people are witnessing the intense of freedom promotion and the future is bright. I was surprised when Dr Zainal Aznam Yusof from National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) disparaging government decision to appoint politician as Chairman of FELDA. Common thoughts in every mind of free market, why must politician be appointed? He then said, power tends to corrupt and everybody's applauded. A true change is no government meddling in business. No government is allows to regulate its citizens. Freedom is no gift from government; it is instead a gift from Creator!
It is disgusting to see both sides, “to socialists all parties” be it Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat competing for a greater welfare state philosophy materialize. I don’t think I could recognize differences between them anyway. They are indeed disgraceful! Barisan Nasional is adamantly claims implementing policies under New Economic Model despite lack of political will, become pro business which have supplanted crony capitalism, and makes profit appear disreputable. The truth is new economy but old delusion. Pakatan Rakyat is famously manifests itself taking the wealth from A and giving it to B. Renationalize all the highways and water infrastructures and others, bribing teachers with RM500 and finally mooting central economic planning policy? Promises government type, a skill of every politician in this country compulsory to possess and as consequences, millions of people have arranged their lives in the expectation of various forms of government support that will be mathematically impossible to provide. Look, I bet no politician in this country who boldly declared that government is the problem and government is not the solution.
Those who study French classical liberal Frederick Bastiat for example may recall this as “Legal Plunder”. He was thinking the greater the scope of the state over the economy, the more entrepreneurial energy will be misdirected into lobbying for special privileges and loot, and less into ongoing efforts to please the consumer.
In general, Austrian School of Economics shall tell you, central economic planning won’t work. Thus, what would exactly Tunku Abdul Rahman think if he still alive at present day? I’m afraid, I’m working under the condition of artificial economy and freedom that at any time, this will be taken away by impotent government.
I ultimately believe, Malaysians must participate together reversing this country’s journey. Like I said, Americans historically are proud of having Thomas Jefferson or better known as Jeffersonian in their meaningful nation’s destiny. It lies in every perseverance they committed, but Malaysians too, don’t forget Tunku Abdul Rahman visions were comprehend into economics freedom policy, rule of law, and individual liberty. And these principles, therefore I urge that all of us should uphold no matter how and no matter when because eventually liberty will prevail! No, really? Was he embraced classical liberalism? No, this wasn’t taught to me in classroom. His line of thoughts does not appear in school textbooks! Yes, it only happens with the government present in every classroom across the country. Here are some of precise thoughts of Tunku Abdul Rahman which I gladly to share with the readers with the absence of government particularly on free market, limited government, rule of law and individual liberty. Thanks to a libertarian, Lenard Lim Yangli (IDEAS) for his awesome compilation in Tunku’s Great Ideas.
Proclamation of Independence, 31 August 1957
“…with God’s blessing shall be forever a sovereign, democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of s just peace among all nations”
Rule of law
In an interview with former Far Eastern Economic Review Kuala Lumpur Bureau Chief Veerasingam Kukathas better known by his pen name K. Das, Tunku Abdul Rahman had this to say when asked to define the rule of law:
“You must observe the law, respect and uphold the law that is how it is supposed to be. To respect the rule of law, you don’t have to be a lawyer. We know the rule of law is supposed to provide justice and so on. We know all that, but there are certain questions that have to do with justice with fair play…That is the main thing – natural justice”
Limited government
This is from an interview with Halinah Todd. It published in New Straits Times, February 8, 1983.
“In my time we had a Cabinet of 13 Ministers. Even they didn’t have enough work. What they do now with 45, I don’t know”
Imagine Tunku’s disgust to find out that Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the size of the ministerial ranks more than doubled to an all time high of 93!
Free market
Hence, when commenting on the news of Bumiputera Malaysia Finance (BMF), a unit of Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Bhd losing US$1 bilion, Tunku Abdul Rahman could only express his disappointments:
“I have always maintained that the government must not indulge in business. This must be left to the business community. There are many losses incurred by the government of late and this should be a good lesson to our leaders no to mix politics with business”
While giving his speech at the opening of the Japan Trade Fair in KL, February 13, 1960
“In Malaya, we welcome fair competition, even if it competes with our own industry”
Tunku Abdul Rahman even pointed fingers at the corruption created by the New Economic Policy:
“Razak started all this – only those who support UMNO get anything”
Individual liberty
“For instance, in Malaysia, it is unthinkable that the people here would prefer a regimented life; naturally they would never accept any policy that would restrict their right to choose the form of government they like of follow a way of life to which they are not accustomed” The Star, 5 May 1975
One must think wisely, do you want to leave everything to government or leave everything to yourself and manage own affairs? Please, I definitely don't want to walk through the road to serfdom. Defend liberty!
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