Wow, cool! Governor Scott Walker has made his decision to curtail collective bargaining to all his state civil servants. He said, like most state in America which currently in ‘broke’, as elected official; he has to make tough choices such as cut pensions, cut state spending and reforming budget. This decision again is necessary to address huge deficits and most commentary says Governor Walker is attempting to rebalance the monopoly government union which faces no competition. Teachers on protest day, claims the government decision did not represent the majority of state civil servants in Wisconsin. I don’t know about the other states, are they doing well despite spending cuts policy? I am quite surprise too, when the Tea Party Movement has rally supporting Government Walker’s plan. Well done Tea Party! How about Malaysia? Does the government have the courage to do exactly the same to CUEPACS? No guts? What about Pakatan Rakyat? Oh, I almost forgot! They will distribute RM500 to teachers if they elected to Putrajaya, am I right? As mentioned below, I attach Adam Smith’s view in the case of Wisconsin protest;
From IV.2.43 of The Wealth of Nations:
“The member of parliament who supports every proposal for strengthening this monopoly, is sure to acquire not only the reputation of understanding trade, but great popularity and influence with an order of men whose numbers and wealth render them of great importance. If he opposes them, on the contrary, and still more if he has authority enough to thwart them, neither the most acknowledge probity, nor the highest rank, nor the greatest public services can protect him form the most infamous abuse and detraction, from personal insults, nor sometimes from real danger, arising from the insolent outrage of furious and disappointed monopolists.”
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